Monday, October 3, 2011

Cell Phones, A Necessity Or Option?

When walking out the house would you rather leave your keys or your cell phone? Nowadays the obsession and need for our cellphones is overwhelming. According to the article You Love your iPhone. Literally. By Martin Lindstorm he asks the question “should we really characterize the intense consumer devotion to the iPhone as an addiction?”
Being that about 7 million people use only their cell phones, and about 18% concider their cell phones as their primary number according to an article posted from USAToday .com ( with that information at our hands how can we say that our need for our cellphones isn’t an addiction? With the iPhone being our number one “user friendly” phone due to its accessibility and almost endless amounts of apps its APPLE has made it almost impossible for us to not rely heavily on their products.
I believe that in this day and age the phrase “In love with my phone” isn’t just a phrase but an actual felt emotion by many people. I know that without my cell phone it’s almost impossible to function. Not only does being cell-phone-less directly cut me off from the world (this being anything from making calls/sending texts to having the NYTimes application at my figure tips) but im also left with the overwhelming feeling of being naked. My cell phone has become a part of me LITERALY. I know that I’d rather leave my keys at home then leave my cell phone! The logic behind this – SIMPLE! If I leave my cell phone at home and get far enough away then im stuck the whole day without having a means of communication with friends/family/the world in general and god forbid there be an incident and I need make a call to get help – I WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO! …but if I leave my keys at home I’d be able to call a locksmith or a family member/friend who may have a spare key to my house. Therefore, leaving my keys at home = being A LOT LESS SEVER!