Monday, September 26, 2011

'Roseanne Is Nuts' For President

Photo: Sarah Lee/Guardian News And Media
Roseanne: God Is Telling Me To Run For President

Imagine what the world would be like if Edith Bunker where put in charge to control the fate of our nation? Well this fantasy and nightmare may become our actual reality. Roseanne Barr, 58, Salt lake city, Utah best known for her long running sitcome Roseanne officially announced during her interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on August 4,2011 that she will be a running for president in the 2012 election.

During the month of July Barr's anticipated reality show Roseanne's Nuts premiered on Lifetime and had a reported 1.6 million viewers tuning in to watch her crazy family antics. Frankly, the question I believe you ask yourself here is do you want your president to be "Nuts"? Now we are all aware that to run for president - your probably a little nuts to begin with, but I never heard Obama purposely slander his own name on national television. With Barr's history of comedic antics and no political   background, the only tough decisions Mrs.Roseanne has ever had to deal with are the issues her children bring to her attention.

In an interview with The Star-Telegram, She declared  that her new reality show serves as launching pad for presidential ambitions... this sounds a little like another reality show America loved to hate called Sara Palin's Alaska - REMEMBER, HOW EFFECTIVE THAT REALITY SHOW WAS? In that same interview during The Tonight Show with Jay Leno she openly admitted that Sara Palin potential candidacy is "kinda what got me to thinking that I too should run for president, if she can".

Aside from the initial shock of possibly having the star of Roseanne's Nuts become our nations leader, Barr has also created her own POLITICAL PARTY! Which she refers to as the "Green Tea Party". According to Roseanne the Green Tea Party is a combination of the 'Going Green' movement and the 'Tea Party Movement'. She states that her running mates will be the tax payers and that her first order of business will be to legalize marijuana.

Roseanne joking stated that if she would not be invited to the presidential debates, she would simply Photoshop herself in. If you ask me, Roseanne might just be that "neighbor you turn off the lights to when you see them coming close to your house", of the potential presidency world. Although I am not huge into politics myself, I must admit, I believe that her choice of running is making almost a mockery of our countries politics and leaders. Although, if she actually makes it to the presidential debate - her public persona and interesting stands on "the big issues" will have me tuning into the 'Train wreck' I believe she will make of herself.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Its Easy To Be Anonymous On Wall Street

(Photo: Flickr / david_shankbone)

Anonymous On Wall Street

Mayor Micheal Bloomberg says, four protesters were arrested for having more than two masked individuals in one space. NY state law prohibits no more than two masked protesters at any one time during a protest. Aside from those four individuals, Bloomberg also went on to say that one Anonymous protester was arrest for jumping a police barrier, and two other protesters were arrested for walking into Bank Of America with there masks still on.

Anonymous is a group of individuals who congregate through various websites and meetings  to form an assembly to protest against issues they feel are being over looked.

According to the New York Times,instead of  being arrested for jumping a barricade, the protester was arrested after saying he was having difficulty moving when the deputy inspector ordered him to "keep moving".

The injustice and focus that was being placed from the media onto the arrest being made and not the actual issue at hand is outrageous! When looking for research and articles about the protest itself and the reasons this group decided to organize on wall street I found little to no facts about the reason the protest was going on rather and many articles and videos about the protesters being detained by the cops.